Case Study and Sustainability News

Anyone switched to digital recently? 

If you’ve recently adopted a digital system, could be care planning, or rotas, meds, then you might be interested in becoming a case study for DCHC. DCHC has been commissioned to write up two case studies to look at the costs, benefits and in particular, the impact on carbon footprint of moving to digital. It must be a system that has some sort of sharing function (which most do), and has been implemented, or will be, by the end of March. It will involve one, possible two conversations, and we can visit on site. You don’t need to understand the impact on your carbon footprint - we can work that out, but you will need to give data on how your old system worked, and be able to compare it to how the new system works including whether you bought devices, cost of software, the process of changing over. To recognise the investment of your time, you can claim £500. 

If you are interested, please email

Sustainability News: Make your money matter

One of the biggest changes we can make as individuals or businesses to reduce our carbon footprint is putting our money into banks or pension providers that do not invest in fossil fuels or indirectly support deforestation. ‘Make My Money Matter’ has a useful table of pension providers and how green they are. The Good Shopping Guide created a handy comparison table of UK banks here.

If you haven’t seen the video with Olivia Coleman (Olivia Coalmine), it’s entertaining albeit a bit of a harsh reality.

Posted by Michaela on January 23rd 2025

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