The following information is based on the feedback from the 72 people who attended the Falls and Frailty Workshop on 11th December 2024.
- Frailty MDT meetings in Primary care
- Identifying Frailty in Primary Care
- Link NHS Strength and Balance Groups with other external groups that do similar but different forms eg MIOLI
- Strength and Balance PSIs are amazing
- Get up and Go Booklets
- Physical activity outdoors – linked to social events
- Working in a community garden is one of the most therapeutic activities
- Clinicians advising Physical Activity at every interaction
- Live Longer Better Programmes
- Time Banking
- Multigenerational programmes
- Digital enablement of older adults
- Intergenerational Digital Communities
- Falls prevention training (primary care, care homes, hospitals)
- Hydration and Bowel Management (Plymouth Care Homes)
- STAR Framework – Cost Effective Intervention Toolkit
What are the challenges?
- Non recurrent funding/ Unsustainable pilot services
- Rural isolation needs to be addressed better
- Care homes can discourage mobility due to risk of falls
- Care homes are overlooked in terms of provision of activity and they are expected to provide proactive activity from the bottom line – can find it difficult to access physio and OT services
- Traditional/historic divide between mental and physical health services – inequality of access for people with MH issues who need more support
- VCSE is not a single organisation – don’t lump them together
- VCSE need to be equal partners
- Ageism persists everywhere – negative messages about ageing and discrimination
- Falls prevention and dementia diagnosis waiting lists are too long
- Variation in approaches, services available, activity, accessibility and terminology
Proposed Structure:
Click here to view the proposed structure.
What needs to happen at locality level?
- Understand the needs of the local population and bring together all partners to develop services to meet these needs
- Coproduction with local communities
- Ensure equitable access to services
- Training and awareness
- Mapping and signposting (including automated messages)
- Communications (Engaging with communities to mobilise to strengthen the message)
- Support for Carers
- Mapping outcomes, uptake and acceptability
- Challenge ageism and change the culture
- Co-ordinating communications across the community to deliver key messages
- Formulate specific project proposals and plans based on the needs of our older people
- Management of funding streams, and identification and enabling of ready-to-go projects to ensure maximising of opportunity
Who needs to be involved at locality level?
- VCSE (including people with lived experience)
- Acute Hospital Clinicians
- Community Clinicians
- Mental Health services
- Care Home representatives
- Social Care Providers
- NHS Devon ICB
- Primary Care Networks representative
- Physical Activity / Leisure Providers
- Active Partnership locality officer
Roles of the Falls and Frailty Development Group:
- Provide support to localities by responding to escalations and facilitating solutions
- Funding – development of sustainable funding model (transparency and equity)
- Address Information Governance and data sharing issues
- Co-ordinate staff training and awareness
- Joining up information – qualitative and quantitative – and provide regular and adhoc reports
- Develop evaluation framework
- Facilitate sharing and learning between localities
- Develop resource library
- Lobby for active environments (e.g. co-ordinate response to Local Transport Plans)
- Co-ordinate inputs to strategic planning/system-wide developments
- Have a strategic view of services across the whole frailty model and connect the different components for effective working and planning.
- Establish working groups (do it once) in key areas of work
Working Groups:
Digital Technology - Identifying how we can use innovative approaches to prevent falls
Preventing Falls in Care Homes – Hydration, nutrition, education, medication, reconditioning and re-enablement
Data – Agreeing measurable metrics aligned with organisational and system priorities and developing a dashboard and reporting mechanisms
Physical Activity for Older People – agreeing a model for the delivery of movement and activity support for older people and developing a commissioning plan
Training and Awareness – Developing training resources for all professionals and awareness of services and interventions
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment – Co-ordinating roll out of CGA as the recommended assessment and identification tool in Devon
Getting together:
- Six monthly face to face event
- Virtual working groups
- Monthly update from Development Group
- Become a Live Longer Better County
- South West Improvement Collaborative