DCC: Launching New Consultation and Strengthening Partnerships in 2025

Thank you for your engagement in relation to the older persons fee model and the residential and nursing contract following our sessions over November and December. Due to the volume of feedback and taking into consideration the Christmas break, we will be launching the formal consultation in the New Year.  

Please find a summary of the minutes and actions from Session 4 on 3rd December here - Session 4 Summary Minutes & Actions (03.12.24).pdf

Here are some of the changes that have resulted from your feedback:

Service Descriptors:

  1. We are adjusting the nursing service descriptors to address concerns about health tasks being duplicated within FNC and CHC assessments.

Main Specification:

  1. We have noted that S117 is not included when describing placements so this will be considered ahead of consultation.
  2. We are considering amending the Specification for people who have been assessed and are clearly self-funders.

Hospital Discharge Specification: We will continue to liaise with NHS colleagues to make clear Hospital Discharge terms and conditions.​

Key Performance Indicators and Quality Indicators:

  1. We have adjusted the Manager level from Level 5 to Level 4 based on your feedback.
  2. We are considering how to pilot the introduction of KPIs including treating the first 12 months as a benchmarking exercise, with an initial period of up to 6 months to allow for adjustments to KPIs and QIs based on your feedback.

Key themes to consider in next steps

  1. Relationships between operational staff and providers was a consistent theme throughout all the engagement sessions and we will seek to improve relationships through the implementation planning and processes.
  2. Hospital discharge, although out of scope for the fee model, featured heavily in feedback in terms of  lack of clarity about processes and quality of discharges. We have spoken to ICB colleagues and want to develop improved guidance including fact sheets and a joint webinar in the New Year to be developed with providers.

Ours aspirations in the New Year will be to work more collaboratively with partners within the local authority, NHS colleagues, Devon Care Homes Collaborative and the wider provider market.

Are your contact details up-to-date?

As we move toward consultation, we encourage providers to update their contact details (especially email addresses) with the Procurement team. We use these details to communicate with providers. It is very important that we reach the correct person in your organisation to receive the consultation pack, appropriate referrals and timely updates from DCC.  We do not want you to miss out on any opportunities. Please ensure we have your most recent email address.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to working with you in 2025 and beyond.

Nicola Tribble, Heather Mills and Sarah Mackereth

Posted by Michaela on December 19th 2024

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