The "cool" approach to laundry infection control

In a world of rising costs, the global chemical company, Diversey, have come up with a range of products that can offer some real benefits to both care home owners and their residents.

Traditionally, laundry in the care sector is washed at 71 degrees in accordance with CFPP-0104 (or 65 degrees for a longer dwell time if comparable fabrics). Other systems have become available such as Ozone based products, which whilst have excellent infection control properties usually have poor wash results and stain removal.

Light & Bright, the detergent and destainer from Diversey, is a chemical disinfection process that allows for resident washing to be laundered at 40 or 60 degrees, as opposed to the more time and energy intensive 70-75 degrees. The products have been tested and approved for MRSA (conforms to EN1276 at 40 degrees) and C-difficile and spores (conforms to EN13704). The list of benefits to using an auto dosed Light & Bright chemical process include:

  • Fabric life extended by 50% 
  • Less garment shrinkage
  • Up to 35% less energy usage, as cooler wash cycle
  • Quicker wash times, as machines need less heating times
  • Auto dosing offers consistency meaning less skin irritation

Along with the detergent and destainer, there is also a softener (Deosoft Iris) to complete the range.

Devon Care Homes Collaborative Sponsor, Gillman’s Commercial, is a Diversey lever partner and can advise on all aspects of laundry chemicals and machines. Contact them on 0800 014 1474 or email

Posted on October 22nd 2023

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