Mental Health Resources

Qwell mental health platform for Care Home staff commissioned by One Devon
Qwell is a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing online service. There are no waiting lists, no referrals and no thresholds required to access the service, which is available to all adults in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay. Although this is not always appropriate for residents, it is something that might benefit care home staff, who work tirelessly to support care home residents.
The online service offers peer to peer support via moderated discussion forums and self-help through reading or submitting content. Qwell also gives people the opportunity to access online counselling from qualified counsellors who are available from midday to 10pm every weekday and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends. People can drop in for one-to-one instant text-based chats or book a session in advance.

Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes
A resource, produced for care home managers, to help put the NICE quality standard of mental wellbeing of older people in care homes into practice.
It highlights key messages for each of the 6 quality statements that make up the standard. The messages relate to high priority areas where improvements are needed.

Bereavement Resources for Social Care Workers
Visit The Department of Health and Social Care website for links to many useful resources on bereavement.