Who's Who
We are aiming to build a network of names and roles that are important to adult social care in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay. We would love to hear about who is important to you in your day to day dealings with external networks so please do feel free to contribute by emailing info@devoncarehomes.org

Devon County Council
In Devon County Council (DCC) Keri Storey is the Head of Adult Care Operations and Health and has responsibility for operational care management and commissioning. Other names from DCC that may pop up on the various fora that you may attend are:
- Louise Higgins – Interim Assistant Director Adult Social Care (Western Devon)
- Stella Doble – Assistant Director Adult Social Care (Northern Devon)
- Lee Baxter – Assistant Director Adult Social Care (Eastern Devon)
- Tina Ramage – Principal Adult Social Worker
- Sarah Mackereth – Assistant Director Adult Social Care (Interim – Southern)
- Gary Patch – Deputy Head of Service Adult Care Operations & Health
- Carolyne Hague – Principal Adult Occupational Therapist
NHS Primary Care Networks
A list of Primary Care Networks, their Clinical Director and the practices they cover, can be found here.
Community Service Managers
A list of CSM's in each locality is available here.
Devon County Council Assistant Directors & CSM Staff Bio's
West CSM Staff
Louise Higgins, Assistant Director of Health & Social Care Delivery (West)
"I oversee the integrated delivery of physical health and social care services across West Devon (the area including Tavistock, Ivybridge and Kingsbridge). I work in collaboration with other AD colleagues across Devon and DCC Commissioners to identify needs across the county. I rely heavily on the excellent relationships my Community Services Managers (CSMs) have with Registered Managers across the patch to work in collaboration with primary care, the acute Trust and the voluntary sector to provide quality services for our community."
Sharon Scoging, South Hams Community Services Manager (Ivybridge and Kingsbridge)
Keith Williams, West Devon Community Services Manager (Tavistock and West Devon)
"The locality CSM role is an integrated management position covering Community Health and Social Care responsibilities on behalf of Devon County Council (DCC) and Livewell Southwest (LSW). The CSM role encompasses the support and management of the Health and Social Care Teams and services within the Ivybridge and Kingsbridge Locality. This includes Devon County Council Adult Social Care Teams and Livewell Southwest Nursing and Therapy Teams. The CSM acts as Responsible Manager and works closely in collaboration with Care Home Registered Managers.
The locality CSM is actively involved in the strategic and the local planning of health and social care within the designated locality area through collaboration and close partnership working with Statutory Agencies, Care Providers, GP Primary Care Networks, Acute and Community Hospitals and the Voluntary Sector. The Locality CSM role supports an integrated and joined approach to care and the continued close working relationship and communication with all care providers is absolutely integral to this philosophy and approach."
North CSM Staff
Stella Doble, Assistant Director of Health and Social Care (North)
"I oversee the integrated delivery of health and social care community services across North Devon with responsibility for the commissioning of care including personal care and care home placements, staffing, quality and safety and service delivery in north Devon.
There are a range of teams including community & specialist nursing, community therapy, social work/ Care Direct Plus , urgent care services, care home team, reablement and community enabling services, DCC in-house residential care home
I work in collaboration with the other AD colleagues across the county , DCC Commissioning , Primary Care Networks, the acute hospital and other health services, care providers and One North Devon/voluntary services to deliver quality services for our community
I rely heavily on the excellent relationships that Community Services Managers (CSMs) have built with Registered Managers, Local PCNs and voluntary services within their clusters."
Nikki Kennelly, Community Service Manager, Torridge (including Fremington)
"I am responsible for leading and managing the integrated health a social care teams in Bideford, Holsworthy and Torrington including community nursing, therapy rehabilitation and social care teams for adults with learning/physical disabilities and older people. I am responsible for the commissioning budgets within Torridge and also for working with providers to ensure quality provision supported by the Quality Improvement and Adult Safeguarding teams within DCC.
I work in partnership with GP practices in the Primary Care Networks, and with other local providers and voluntary sector networks eg Torrington 100, One Atlantic, One Northern Devon. I am usually the responsible manager for Devon County Council for Provider quality and whole service safeguarding issues within Torridge."
Kate Holliday, Community Service Manager Barnstaple
"I am responsible for leading and managing the integrated health a social care teams in Barnstaple including community nursing, therapy rehabilitation and social care teams for adults with learning/physical disabilities and older people. I am responsible for the commissioning budgets within Barnstaple and for working with providers to ensure quality provision supported by the Quality Improvement and Adult Safeguarding teams within DCC.
I am also operationally responsible for the Lymphoedema Service which covers North Devon and parts of North Cornwall.
I work in partnership with GP practices in the Primary Care Networks, and with other local providers and voluntary sector networks eg One Barnstaple, One Northern Devon. I am usually the responsible manager for Devon County Council for Provider quality and whole service safeguarding issues within Barnstaple."
Des Hutchins, Community Service Manager for Braunton, Lynton, Ilfracombe, South Molton/Chulmleigh - BLIS
"I am responsible for leading and managing integrated health a social care teams across The BLIS area, including community nursing, community therapy / rehabilitation and social care teams for adults with learning/physical disabilities and older people. I am responsible for the commissioning budgets within BLIS and also for working with providers to ensure quality provision supported by the Quality Improvement and Adult Safeguarding teams within DCC.
I also have responsibility for two Community Hospital sites – the Tyrrell, Ilfracombe and South Molton Community Hospital.
I work in partnership with GP practices in the Primary Care Networks, and with other local providers and voluntary sector networks e.g. One Ilfracombe, One Northern Devon, Braunton and Communities Forum, One South Molton. I am usually the responsible manager for Devon County Council for Provider quality and whole service safeguarding issues within BLIS."
Chris Thomas, Community Service Manager Urgent Care Response
"I have responsibility for Urgent Care Services across North Devon including; managing Urgent care Nursing, The Single Point of Access (for hospital discharge and admission avoidance), the processes and co-ordination around this and the Response and Recovery Support Workers who provide immediate support to people in their own homes, along with the Social Care Reablement Service (a DCC provider service). I also have responsibility for Pathfinder Team who support NDDH with complex discharges and admission avoidance for people not admitted to wards (ED, MAU). I also manage the Leg Ulcer Service provision (not operationally) across North Devon, liaising with commissioners. I provide a link back into NDHT for CHC Teams in Eastern and Northern Devon, who work within the CCG under a Memorandum of Understanding.
I support discharges from hospitals when a senior escalation is required and work closely with NDDH Flow Matron and other key individuals within the hospital.
I work with DCC Commissioning Teams around provision of package of care and use of block booked placements to support hospital discharges and admission avoidances. The teams I have responsibility for tend to work closely with providers of domiciliary care across North Devon and also care home providers who support short term placements for people recovering from hospital admission or a crisis at home."